Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Doctor Practice Marketing

Dwindling economy and lack of patients, the year 2012 is bringing new challenges and creativity for marketing doctor practice. Having tough task at hands, doctors are patiently waiting for this phase to get over. Chances of success are less and this has forced doctors to come up with new medical marketing strategies. Thankfully though, today’s world is a digital one and people get acquainted to new technology pretty fast. After reading this article, you’ll get an idea how society is shifting its preference towards innovative and result oriented marketing ideas.

Smartphone and Texting

Needless to say, what iPhone and Android has done to our lives. Without these devices, most of us would suffer disability. We use them every minute, every day and for everything. From checking emails to finding information, we all have at palm of our hands. And that’s just one of the distinct reasons why you need to update your practice’ website. If you don’t have one, well, leave this article and go find some expert who can create one for you. Forget competing, your practice won’t even exist if you lack an internet presence. It was recently reported; more than 80% patients seek information online. While this data would rev you up, make sure your practice website contains all the necessary information.

Text messages have as much of a role as website. People often convey messages trough mobile messages rather than making a call. As a physician, provide the best treatment and care to the patients. Satisfying them will do a world of good to your practice. Furthermore, text messages will act as a referral system with more and more individuals recognizing your specialty. 

Ever growing Social Media

Believe me, it’s not going anywhere. According to the latest report released by Pew Internet & Life Project, more than 45% of adults have used social media to gather information regarding physicians and healthcare professionals. So, what are you waiting for. Get your social media profile listed in Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Yelp, MySpace and even Pinterest. At the current rate, these numbers are sure to follow only one direction.

Traditional Advertising Still Alive

Yes, that customary and conventional print advertising is still used by physicians. Many doctors would differ on this, but print ads have evolved with time. Now, it’s not just the case of displaying a phone number or television commercials. Almost every other physician is starting to add respective components like website URL, promotional offers, Facebook or Twitter profile link and much more. What does this implies? It means that if you are going to invest in print advertising, you need to be more innovative with the ideas. It might be a hassle, but it justifies its worthiness with positive outcomes.

Having the knowledge of what’s beneficial and what’s not, it’s up to you to stick with the marketing plan that follows the current trend. Your focus should be to create a congruent plan, which is void of repetition.

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